Dino Fiorenza - Official Web Site
Lessons Dino Fiorenza
In this page, devoted to teaching aspects exclusively, from time to time I will publish some bass guitar "lectures". You will just have to click on the title and, of course, to work very hard and constantly. Please don't forget also that I regularly teach bass guitar courses at schools in Catania, Caltagirone, Messina, Roma, Montebelluna e Azzano Decimo.

22/12/2010 Fingerstyle 1

11/01/2011 Slap I rimbalzi I

02/02/2011 Il Tapping 1

12/01/2011 Tapping patterns

22/02/2011 Fingerstyle 2

29/03/2011 Slap I rimbalzi II

06/04/2011 Tapping 2

12/04/2011 Tapping 3

24/05/2011 Tapping 4

27/06/2011 Penta tapping

24/07/2011 Barre chord tap

15/11/2011 Tapping Le forme cicliche